A continuación te mostramos algunas fotografías que esperamos te sirvan de inspiración a nivel de encuadre, exposición, perspectiva, etc. para realizar tus propios retratos infantiles ;)
Pingyao -2- por Blazko
Ricefield por Bumikuhijau
Children 19 by justineboishus
Children at play by willamnvp
children by elisek
My little man by Yana Peneva
Children by Yana Peneva
Children by Mark Evans
Nepali Children by Philipp Eduard Meier
Children, Thailand by SMATCH SOMBATPANIT
S by Yana Peneva
Children of India by Navid Baraty
Children play by Amy Lim
children by Nadezhda Pereverzeva
The only listener by Monique
studying together by asit
Girl without an earring by Bill Gekas
splash by Ayie Permatasari
learn to read by asit
Please Talk To Me Again by Ario Wibisono
the autumn has come by Magda Berny
Reading by Ardian Zuehry
Camellia Girl by Bill Gekas
szklo by Rafal Norek
learning by Hedianto HS
Natalie by michal szymeczko
¿Que les ha parecido? ¿Tienen alguna otra recomendación que quieran compartir?
Read more: http://www.photopoly.net/stunning-examples-of-children-photography/#ixzz1fUpUqPH8
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