How to iCloud Bypass with Xampp

Download Files

First you need xampp to start server and make itunes think you going to activate thru apple servers Many videos out with new method , i will give some tips and showing how to use the php files. Is one of the necessary files to iCloud bypass with xampp. all files that are used here are given in the description.

1. Download and install XAMPP

Before installing XAMPP windows or mac you need to disable antivirus and firewall for a full working software with out limitacion all this Necessary to iCloud bypass with xampp.

2. Open the File Explorer and navigate to C: \ xampp (or where XAMPP installed)

3. Go to htdocs folder create a folder one called “deviceservices” (without quotes) Go
in that folder and create a folder called “deviceactivation” – without quotes

4. Download the index.php file and place it in the folder deviceactivation.

Necessary files to iCloud bypass with xampp download

full pack download all files:

Download - Index.php

5. Go to C: Window & sistem32 / driver and etc and edit the hosts file.

6. Add in the last line with notepad and save.

7. Open XAMPP control panel and Click Start all  servers.

8. Now open iTunes and then connect your locked iDevice. The device must be detected, now you need inject with fiddler the true certs to activated your device with iTunes.

will continue …

Download - Icloud ByPass with Xampp

video : Tutorial step by step

this fist post – Necessary files to iCloud Bypass with Xampp Part 1


Next Necessary files to iCloud Bypass with Fiddler Part 2

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