The moment that many users were waiting for has arrived, the Jailbreak for iOS 8.3, 8.2 and 8.1.3 is here. Finally the boys were responsible for launch Taig and also publish the necessary to apply, for the moment only for Windows tool.
The new Jailbreak unthetered is compatible with all devices that can be installed these versions of iOS. That is, Taig 2 serves to jailbreak:
iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5 and iPhone 4s.
Air iPad 2, iPad Mini 3, iPad Air, iPad 4, iPad 3 and iPad 2.
Mini iPad 3, iPad 2 and iPad Mini Mini.
iPod Touch 5G.
As usual, the procedure for applying the iOS 8.1.3 Jailbreak 8.3 is very simple. The following explains the steps and also some points to consider if we started to realize it.
How to install the jailbreak of iOS 8.3, iOS 8.2 and iOS 8.1.3 on iPhone and iPad
As always we recommend, before we get to work to make a transaction of this type must make a complete backup of the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. It is also important to temporarily disable the antivirus or firewall your computer or make sure that does not cut Internet access to the application of Taig. Once done, we can start with steps to implement the Jailbreak.
We download the latest version from the web Taig (Windows only for now) and unzip the zip file on your computer.
We connect the device via a USB cable to the computer.
Deactivate temporarily unlock code. Accede to Settings - Touch ID and deactivate the option Unlock iPhone / iPad / iPod.
Also temporarily deactivate the function Find My iPhone. Accede to Settings - iCloud - Find My iPhone and deactivate (we asked for the password of our own Apple ID).
Taig run the application as an administrator on your PC with Windows. To do this we click with the right mouse button on the Taig.exe file and choose the "Run as administrator" option.
After one seconds, Taig detect the device and firmware installed. Once you find out, we must disable 3K Assistant 2.3.0 (TAIG"s App Store) option that appears just below Cydia 1.1.16.
Now click on the green button to start the jailbreak process. The progress bar will begin to move. Sometimes you may get stuck at 30%, nothing happens, we must wait 20 to 30 minutes to finish the process. If instead, you get stuck at 20%, we must follow the steps in this other guide.
When the process is complete, the device will automatically reboot and once you reboot, the Cydia icon should appear on the home screen. In addition, Taig display the message "Jailbreak suceeded" in the computer screen.
It is noteworthy that Cydia Substrate is not supported yet with iOS 8.3 - iOS 8.1.3, so it is possible that many tweaks and apps not work properly. Surely Saurik is already working on it and within hours or a few days should get a new version to solve it and we can enjoy the Jailbreak 100%.
You were expecting the arrival of a new Jailbreak? Well there you have it, ready and prepared to reach your devices.
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Jailbreak Apps
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Taig Jailbreak
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Fuente: este post proviene de Blog de Icloudbypass, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
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