How Unlock IPad  - Solution to Unlock iCloud

This mean bypass by hardware method

Update: To Any One Who Want Activation Dump From (iPad_Hardware_Bypass) Here Is It For Models (iPad2, iPad4, iPad Air) 8.1.2


Remove Icloud in all ipad 3g models its not a new process and seems be very easy thing to do,  the process is simple need to find the correct resistor r1205 r1204 ,  that will be explained in the photos the ones that actually works will be posted with all the way to do it right starting with ipad mini 3g A1455 that actually was made by me and works ok.

tools : What you will need
you need hot air station hot air gun do not use others
small bits of plastic to wedge betewen the touch
2 small pry open tool (can get it from ebay or any plastic shop )
pencil sharpened
magnify lens ( to be safe dont miss letters )
and a lot of patience not mess things, google, youtube is the best tools to open the ipad

the ipad mini is  A1455 doesn’t got r1205
the r1204 is on the left side of the A5 chip and the r1205 is on the top its hidden under cover of metal no need to take the logic board out
importante figured out the location time to remove the r1204 with air station or soldering iron 5w with a very small tip the r1205 doesnt exist its blank space use the pencil very sharp and draw a line betewen the gaps.

Do not forget do this in DFU mode its very importante this step

Other INFO about how to remoce icloud ipad 3G here 

Best Ipad solution to unlock iCloud

others hardware solutions here:

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