Back-to-School Shopping & Savings with UNiDAYS

Its back-to-school season, and Im thrilled to introduce you to UNiDAYS, an exclusive, members-only way for students to save up to 50% off big name brands. With a student email to register, students have access to discounts on brands like Apple, Samsung, Under Armour, Hello Fresh, Clinique, Ray-Ban and more.

Heres how the process works:

Step 1: Join. All you need is your student email to get started.

Step 2: Explore. Grab discounts on your favorite brands.

Step 3: Save. Get more, spend less!

Easy, right? Its a great way for students to balance what they want and need during the back-to-school shopping season. Ive included some of my favorite back-to-school offers below:

20% off Clinique from July 31 – Aug. 5

20% off Adidas from Aug. 12 – Aug. 14

15% off Kaspersky from Aug. 14 – Aug. 20

30% off Levis from Aug. 28 – Sept. 4

Back to school can be really stressful, especially when kids want to wear everything they own in the very first week.

Trust Me, parents, I know it can be very daunting to have to spend money on new clothes. Thats why I like UNiDAYS because it has the best offers for our students.

Check IT OUT!
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Etiquetas: DealsCouponsbeauty
