Eventos de criptomonedas - Criptocurrency event - Miercoles 31/01/2018

Como siempre, les compartimos los eventos de hoy miercoles:

AdCoin (ACC) - Hard Fork

Bitsend (BSD) - End of Picture Competition

Coupecoin (COUPE) - Big Partnership Announcement

Cryptopay (CPAY) - Reward for Token Holders

DomRaider (DRT) - MVP

Dovu (DOVU) - Innovate UK Urban Bridges Mission

ETHLend (LEND) - Bounty Distribution Start

Electra (ECA) - Whitepaper

FlutterCoin (FLT) - Soft Fork

ICON (ICX) - Annual Summit : The Genesis

INS Ecosystem (INS) - Monthly Airdrop

IOTA (MIOTA) - 1000 $ Token Giveaway

Kcash (KCASH) - End of Giveaway

NEM (XEM) - Global Hackton (Judging & Community Voting)

NEO (NEO) - NEO Devcon in San Francisco

NeosCoin (NEOS) - Hard Fork

Network Token (NTWK) - Airdrop

OmiseGO (OMG) - Town Hall 0x1

OmiseGO (OMG) - own Hall 0x1

Oyster (PRL) - Testnet Release

Patientory (PTOY) - Arab Health

Photon (PHO) - Website Launch

Pioneer Coin (PCOIN) - Web Wallet release

Rise (RISE) - First Snapshot

Sirin Labs (SRN) - Listing on Huobi

Solaris (XLR) - PoW Phase 3 / Masternode Rewards 50% + Increment

SpaceChain (SPC) - Listing on Coinnest

SpreadCoin (SPR) - BitcoinSpread Hard Fork

Stratis (STRAT) - First Verified ICOs

TeslaCoin (TES) - Core Wallet V3.4

Triggers (TRIG) - Blockchain for Government Summit

Voxels (VOX) - Rebranding

Zilla (ZLA) - Trading on Huobi

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