Eventos de mañana - Criptocurrency event tomorrow - 9/3/2018

Amigos! como siempre los eventos de mañana.
Tomorrow Events 9.3.2018

Bitcoin (BTC) - Africa Conference 2018

ETHLend (LEND) - Blockchain Tropical Coast International Congress

ETHLend (LEND) - Roadshow in Motril

Eidoo (EDO) - Financial Forum

Electra (ECA) - Listing on NextExchange

FirstBlood (1ST) - Delisting on Bittrex

Hedge (HDG) - Africa Conference

Humaniq (HMQ) - Facebook Live AMA

IDNI Agoras (AGRS) - Delisting from Bittrex

IOTA (MIOTA) - SXSW 2018 in Austin

KickCoin (KICK) - Blockchain Leadership Summit

LBRY Credits (LBC) - Community AMA

MaidSafe (MAID) - Delisting from Bittrex

NEM (XEM) - NEM101 in München 1

NEO (NEO) - Developer Workshop by CoZ and NEX

Neonexchange (NEX) - Developer Workshop

Ontology (ONT) - Listing on Huobi

Patientory (PTOY) - Making Healthcare Personal

Qtum (QTUM) - Dapps Seoul Meetup

Rupee (RUP) - Listing on NextExchange

Social Send (SEND) - Android Wallet

TheKey (TKY) - Listing on LBank Exchange

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