Eventos de criptomonedas de mañana 26-02-2018

AdEx (ADX) beta release

Ambrosus (AMB) public launch of the alpha version

AppCoins (APPC) launch of the site

Ardor (ARDR) redesign of the website

Bitcore (BTX) distribution of 6% of tokens

Debitcoin (DBTC) listing on Lykke

Dent (DENT) launch of application for Android

Electroneum (ETN) participation in the GSMA Exhibit

Litecoin (LTC) launch of the LitePay

Medicalchain (MTN) is a member of the forum

Rupaya (RUPX) launch of a new site

SportyCo (SPF) launch of the beta platform

VeChain (VEN) rebranding

Verge (XVG) listing on Coinnest

WandX (WAND) listing on Token Store

Waves (WAVES) meeting in Vienna

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